What You Should Know About Elbow Dislocation

Sports players put a lot of strain on their body. That includes their muscles, joints, tendons, bones, and practically every aspect of their body. In particular, elbow problems can plague sports players and people from the everyday public. If the joint surfaces separate, your elbow will become dislocated. There are different levels of severity for this, though, and some can require surgical treatments by a trained orthopedic doctor to fix.
The Anatomy of The Elbow
There are three bones that make up your elbow. This includes two in the forearm (the ulna and the radius) and one in your upper arm. To keep those bones together, there are ligaments that connect them.
Orthopedic doctors have discovered that there are two basic movements that happen, rotation and bending. This is controlled by muscle groups that help it flex, extend, and rotate the hand. The movement of these is very precise, but it is still prone to dislocation.
What Causes Elbow Dislocation?
These aren't very common kinds of problems, but they are normally isolated to certain groups, such as sports players.
The most common cause is a fall that leads a person to stretch out their hands and send a shock wave through their elbow as a result. Car accidents can also cause them, but it is far less common.
How Do They Diagnose Elbow Dislocations?
An orthopedic doctor can diagnose the problem by looking for any deformity, swelling, or tenderness. A major thing that a doctor will look for is cool hands caused by damage to major arteries during the dislocation. X-rays will allow them to know for sure if there is a bone injury as well, but there are more intensive tests if it still can't be determined.
Orthopedic Doctor Treatments For Elbow Dislocation
There are two options that an orthopedic doctor can go over with you, including a surgical and non-surgical option. If it is a complete dislocation, though, a surgical option is paramount.
If your orthopedic doctor decides that you can have a non-surgical solution they can administer a pain medication and sedative and realign it. Slowly and gently, two people can guide it back into place.
After a simple dislocation, two or three weeks in a splint can be effective, in addition to basic movements after that period. Too long without movement can cause immobility that can be lasting, so bring this up with the doctor.
A complex dislocation will require surgery to realign the bone and repair any tendon damage that has taken place. An external hinge can be required after the surgery has been completed to stop if from becoming dislocated as a repeat energy. Often, blood vessels and nerve problems can come with the dislocation, so they will have to take care of that as well.
Help From An Orthopedic Doctor
An elbow dislocation is not a pleasant experience, but it is something that can be helped by a good orthopedic doctor. A proper diagnosis and treatment course can solve it without having any long-term effects, so be sure to find the help that you need.
Are you based in Phoenix? You may visit the following website:
Phoenix Orthopedic Doctor
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Fogarty

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