Shoulder Pain and Prevention: The Cuban Press

The Cuban Press is one of the most effective and comprehensive exercises for establishing functional strength in the shoulders and neck. This exercise is a great way to not only stabilize the shoulder, but help prevent injury to the shoulder joint. The Cuban Press targets the gleno-humeral, scapulothoracic, and cervical musculature. Commonly these muscles are left weak from under use and after removing adhesion.
To begin the movement, you will need a dowel, or broomstick, available. You may also use a set of lightweight dumbbells. I recommend the dowel to start. Stand grabbing the dowel overhand, with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Shrug the shoulders to the ears. Be careful as to not bring the head forward, or the shoulders backward.
While maintaining the shrug movement, raise the elbows until the bar is at the level of the upper chest. Keep the dowel as close to the body as possible. Continue to move the dowel upward, by externally rotating the shoulder. The bar should be at, or above eye level at this point. Now press the dowel overhead.
To finish the movement, return the bar to the starting point by dropping the dowel in a controlled movement. Some patients may need to progress to this movement by starting with internal/external exercises.
Progress on this movement by increasing the weight overtime. Start with 2 sets of 15 reps once per day. This rehabilitation exercise can even be used in your workouts by increasing the weight. If pain or movement is still felt during this exercise, it is a strong indication that more treatment is necessary.
Again, much like any other pain felt in the body it is always best to be checked by your local provider to get a proper diagnosis. Once the correct diagnosis has been made, a treatment program should be outlined that establishes a plan of treatment and injury prevention for the best outcomes. Exercise should never be started to an injured, or painful, area without reducing symptoms first. Addition of exercise to an injured area before symptom reduction adds unnecessary load which can slow and, in some cases, prevent proper healing.
By doing this exercise, you should feel all around better posture. The shoulders will sit in a better position, and the neck will be less stressed. As with any exercise, form is vital. Make sure to have your form corrected over several visits to your practitioner, or someone who is knowledgeable in rehabilitation exercises for better results.
We have great success in our office in the treatment of shoulder pain. Many times a patient will have been seen by several different providers. If you would like more information about this exercise or shoulder pain treatment in Cedar Rapids, feel free to call our office, 319-423-0925 or visit our website.

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