Don't Give Up On Your New Year's Resolution Just Yet

Did you know that approximately 128 million Americans recently made a New Year's resolution, however only 8% of them, or about 5 million, will be successful? This statistic is alarming since it means there will be over 120 million people who will fail to reach their goal.
For the most part the majority of people fail because they approach their resolution unprepared and not willing to do what is necessary to be successful. Quite possibly the words uttered on New Years were empty and simply said in jest. However for the ones who truly want to achieve their resolution, the likelihood of success goes up astronomically when you form an actual plan of action and stick with it religiously.
If you are one of the millions who just committed to a New Year's resolution, in order to accomplish this goal you will increase the likelihood of your success by creating a specific plan of action. A plan how you will go about tackling this resolution so you will be one of the few that is actually successful this year.
So before you give up and throw in the towel, take into consideration the following New Year's Resolution tips so that you will have more success accomplishing the goal that is important to you.
A New Goal Means New Thinking
Tackling a new goal means you will inevitably have to get used to change. Whether it be quitting smoking, losing weight, learning to play tennis, cleaning out the garage, these goals will take some type of change to your usual routine in order to be accomplished. It may be difficult at first to motivate yourself to get going, but keep in mind the main reason why you made the resolution in the first place and let that be the fuel that keeps your fire to succeed going.
Make A Plan One Week At A Time
Break up your goal into smaller more manageable time blocks. Seven days is long enough to accomplish specific things, yet short enough to allow you time to reflect and determine what may need adjusting. If your resolution is to lose 100 pounds in 2014, don't feel as though you need to make a huge dent in that amount by the end of the first month. Take it one week at a time improving your selection of food/drinks, the portion sizes at meals, the snacks eaten throughout the day, and the amount of exercise you get. Focusing on seven days increments gets you thinking of what's immediately going to have an impact, thus week by week you will be getting cumulatively closer to your end goal.
Be Willing to Continually Review and Revise
No one is perfect so don't expect to have a perfectly smooth transition into accomplishing your resolution. However do continually review and revise your plan so that each week you move a step closer to success. Reflect at the end of each week and determine what went well and what needs revision. It's the willingness to revise and re-implement your plan which will give you a quicker time-frame for success.
Repetition Creates New Habits
When taking on a new sport, hobby, or task, repetition is what will create the new habit. For instance, learning to play the piano will be awkward and difficult at first. However after a couple months of diligent practice, the repetition will have helped create the ability to play the piano much easier without the difficulty that was there when first started.
Regardless that New Year's resolutions occur just once per year, don't feel as though this is the only opportunity you have to meet a personal goal. Any time of the year can be the perfect time to start, however your success will be determined by your dedication and willingness to consistently stick with your plan of action. Use these tips to help accomplish your goals and you will have the success you've envisioned for yourself.
Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, an elementary school teacher for 13 years, now on a mission to develop a healthy life, lose weight, and finally get in shape. Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 80 pounds through dedicated exercise and healthy eating. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with FREE Healthy Eating Ebook just for stopping by at

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