List of Good Transitional Habits for the Mucusless Diet Healing System

Professor Arnold Ehret, the forefather of naturopathy, wrote the Mucusless Diet Healing System in the early 1900s. The diet consists of all kinds of raw and cooked fruits, starchless vegetables, and cooked or raw, mostly green-leaf vegetables. The Mucusless Diet as a Healing System is a combination of individually advised long and short-term fasts, menus that progressively change to non-mucus-forming raw foods, regular colon irrigation, and other detoxifying therepies such as sun-bathing, exercise, etc.
Ehret believed that a mono-fruit diet, or a diet of only fruits and green leaf vegetables, is the natural diet for humans. But he by no means suggested that humanity, in its current pathological condition, could become fully mucusless without a considerable amount of dietary transition and PRACTICE of the Mucusless Diet. Many health seekers hear about the mucusless diet and aspire to just jump right in without an extended period of transition. Using the Mucusless Diet Healing System as a means to save a terminally ill patient is different from using it as a transitional lifestyle to achieve superior health. The principles are the same, but they must be applied a bit differently by relatively able bodied health seekers vs. those who are chronically ill. Ehret wrote his articles, which resulted in his Mucusless Diet Healing System & Rational Fasting books, geared toward saving the lives of deathly ill patients after his experiences saving thousands at his sanitariums. Meanwhile, he was experimenting with living the principles of his transition on a long-term basis. Such experiences greatly influenced his application of the healing system to his patients, who were basically only using it on a short-term basis to save their lives. The distinction between short and long-term applications must be understood when learning to adapt the principles of the transition to achieving long-term goals.
Today, more and more people are beginning to see the benefit of removing music-forming foods from their diets. Mucus-free foods are naturally detoxifying and promote great health and well-being. But how does one transition off of pus and mucus-forming foods? There is no question, it takes a commitment. Mucus forming foods are very addictive and one must work hard to fight the addition. Yet, you must not be hard on yourself during your transition. Here are a few guidelines to consider while transitioning away from pus and mucus-forming foods.
List of good transitional habits to remember:
  • Avoid drinking with meals. If you must drink after a meal, wait at least five minutes before doing so. Wait more than 30 minutes if possible. Mixing liquid with solid food impedes the body's ability to digest and eliminate waste. The body craves simplicity and will eliminate better without such mixtures.

  • Most fruits and vegetables do not combine well. If you are eating a meal with fruits and vegetables, eat the fruits first-wait a few minutes, and then eat the salad/vegetables.

  • It is advisable to eat no more than two meals a day, eliminating breakfast. Aim for an all-fruit meal in the afternoon and a combination salad/cooked vegetable meal in the evening. Fresh fruit and/or vegetable juices may be consumed throughout the day.

  • Always combine mucus-formers with salad and vegetables. On days when old mucuses are craved, use a transitional-mucus and be sure to include a lot of salad and vegetables.

  • Do not be hard on yourself for craving mucus and eating some. Everyone falls off of the wagon sometimes, especially in the beginning. The key is to change your body's chemistry so that you no longer crave, or are even able to eat, the foods that are harmful to you. Mucus becomes about as appetizing as Clorox bleach.

  • Irrigate the colon with a (lemon) enema or colonic when needed.

  • Always follow a fast with a period of mucus-free menus. Do not break a fast with mucus and be aware of the feeling to binge. If you have transitioned properly and have broken the fast effectively you can avoid such problems.

  • Surround yourself with supportive people. Misery loves company and eating is the greatest form of social unity known to humankind. Fruits and vegetables seem natural, but people conditioned and poisoned by Western dietary ideals often react with resentment and fear. Plug into positive people who are also interested in healing themselves.

  • The best food for humans are raw mucus-free foods. However, during the transition, using some cooked mucusless meals are very helpful. They can assist with major cravings while acting as an intestinal broom.

  • Enjoy the healing process.
The Transition Diet
It is very important that health-seekers using the Mucusless Diet learn how to transition from the most harmful mucus-forming foods to the ones that leave behind the least amount of waste. The transition diet is a true art form that will take time to learn. But as you begin, your body will begin to intuitively guide you along the path.
Professor Spira is an expert on the Mucusless Diet and author of a eBook "Spira Speaks: Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System" where he reveals how he lost 110lbs and overcame numerous illnesses by practicing Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System. He is also the editor of the first critical edition of the diet entitled "Prof. Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Editied by Prof. Spira." Find out more about Prof. Spira, his eBook, and mucus-free lifestyle coaching services by clicking here:

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