How To Get Fat With Bad Eating Habits

In order to maintain a healthy body, we have to eliminate anything along the way that affects your health in a negative manner. This includes mental habits as well as eating habits.
Get into the habit of researching food products and learning about them and what effect they have on your body and why. Read through health and dieting books. Check out online resources about the body anatomy and how different combinations of food and exercise will change the body.

If there is a food you are currently eating but you are not sure what is in it, take a look online and acquire the facts for that specific food.
In order to achieve weight loss you could eliminate specific foods altogether and just by changing your diet, you can change your weight.
It is your choice if you do it or not. If overloading on sugar is the reason why you gained a lot of weight, then it will be wise to stop eating anything with refined sugar in it. Take a look at your current habits and find out what you can change that will benefit you long term and not short term.

"Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results is insanity." - A Quote by the Famous Albert Einstein
That is not just a quote - but a truth! Eat junk food all the time and be lazy and lo and behold, we get fat. No one in this universe is an exception to that rule. You must be conscious of what you are doing and why you are doing it and you can do that by being aware of what food you eat, how much and when you eat it, and if you are keeping physically active or not.
The following are the foods you can eliminate completely to get more than satisfactory results in a shorter amount of time:
a) Sugar. Your body won't miss it but your mind and emotions just might. Does a crispy cream doughnut sound good to you? What about a package of candy every day? Eliminate all pastry such as cakes, cupcakes, danishes, turnovers and anything else baked with fruit syrup or icing on it. Take away from your diet every kind of candy or junk food that you eat daily or every other day. STOP DRINKING SOFT DRINKS COMPLETELY. Your body will be grateful for you doing so.
b) Fat. Eat fat and you will become fat. Let us rephrase that: eat bad fat and become fat and unhealthy. It's really that simple. You need good fat in your diet. If you eat chicken, take off the skin. Saturated fat sources are potato chips, baking, red meat, and other fried, baked or pan fried food items. Saturated fats and Trans fats also come from hydrogenated oils. Healthy fat is found in fish and nuts. If you really wanted to, you can eliminate all meat and fish as our bodies can survive on vegetation and water alone.
c) Cut out all dairy products. You don't need milk to grow "big and strong" like the commercials say. Diary is also a big source of saturated fat. Eliminate milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream. You can supplement milk with soy milk. Soy milk surprisingly tastes far better than milk and it is also a good source of vitamin D - just watch the GMOs. You can live without dairy products and by eliminating them it will help you immensely in losing weight. If it's "main-stream" it's probably not the best thing for you at this moment.
d) Eliminate a big intake of carbohydrates. I don't know who started saying that carbs make you fat but it is not true. Carbs are a prime source of energy for your body. As I said, if you eat more than you burn off then you will gain weight meaning that if you just keep accumulating carbohydrates, you are also hoarding the calories that they provide. It doesn't matter if you have a great metabolism or not, you will gain weight just the same. The reason I say to eliminate a big intake of carbs is that carbohydrates are usually the main course in a lot of meals. Some may have toast for breakfast, noodles for lunch and rice for dinner.
e) Get rid of empty calories. This means to stop drinking alcohol - even occasionally. The truth of the matter is that you do not need alcohol to survive. Your body will be fine without it. Not only will it help you lose weight but will also prevent one from looking and acting like a fool. You and I both know what happens to people who had one too many and carry heavy regrets the following day after drinking. It is a waste of money, waste of time, and people do get fat and stay fat because of it. Empty calories also come in the form of comfort food.
I honestly cannot tell you to quit smoking if you are a smoker since I do smoke cigars myself. At the least, you can cut down smoking. If smoking holds you back from breathing or losing weight - it's time to quit. The more you smoke, the less air capacity will be available in your lungs. Not good for exercising. If a person can't walk or jog because they smoke too much - it's definitely time to break the habit.
Eliminating bad habits and supplementing them with healthier habits will give you a healthier result. Eat lean to be lean. Eat bad fat or eat too much and you will get fat.
You may also want to change other habits like being wiser about people you hang out with or the way you deal with stress.
Eliminating stress is a bit harder for some people but can absolutely be done. Stress breaks down the body's immune system. Stress will make the body weak and allow disease to plant 
itself and grow.
Stress leads to improper eating and over eating. Many people under stress eat foods that they think, consciously or unconsciously, will help them emotionally. Emotional eating is another bad habit that we must avoid at all costs.
Stop by for a visit and learn about the "5 ways to curve your hunger and prevent overeating in 2014" by going to: a good day!
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