Do You Have High Glucose Contents in Your Blood?

Whether it is Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, it creeps upon you out of nowhere. Most people who are eventually diagnosed with diabetes go through most of their lives without knowing their glucose levels in blood are high and sometimes even dangerous. One day you go out to work in the morning like every other day, feeling a bit strange, sort of when you have a cold or something similar and by the end of the day you are in an emergency room with all kinds of monitors plugged into your body. This is why it is important for you to understand and learn to identify the symptoms you will have when your glucose in blood level is high.
The first sign people notice is an increase in urination frequency, if you are used to urinating before going to bed and do not get out of bed in the middle of the night to do it again, this will be the first alarm that goes off. Your liver and kidneys are working overtime to get rid of the excess sugar and that is why you the need to urinate more and more every day. This does not only happen at night but during the day too. If this continues for some time without taking care of the situation, your urine will start to have a peculiar smell which did not have before, something like the smell of a dirty bathroom in a stadium or bar.
The second signal is a large increase in your daily water intake, you will not only be thirsty but you will also have a dry mouth. As time goes by the dry mouth will increase to the point where it is hard to speak without drinking something. It does not matter what you drink nor how much you drink the thirst will not go away, day or night. This brings us back to the overworked liver and kidneys, they need water, huge amounts of water to process the glucose in your body and since they do not have any or enough insulin to convert it; they try to dump the glucose as waste. If these three symptoms are present, this is a good time to go to the doctor to check your glucose, from now on things go downhill very fast.
The third alarm bell telling you something is wrong should go off when your vision is blurred. This is not your reading vision with or without glasses, this is your overall vision. Even street signs may look blurred once the glucose in your blood is too high. If you let this go on for a day or two you will not be able to identify faces right before your nose. With the blurring of your vision you will also feel lightheaded and dizzy. This is your body trying to protect your brain from the excess glucose and the higher blood pressure caused by it. The brain does not require glucose to work like the muscles and the rest of your body, it works with electricity so the body tends to reduce blood flow to prevent damage to it.
If by now you have not seen a doctor, you are very close to a diabetic coma and the last signals your body will give you is a peculiar smell coming out of your pores, all you have to do is to put your arm against your nose and you will feel it. The smell reminds me of wild flowers or something like that, it is sweet and penetrating and will not go away, not even after you shower. The other thing that will happen and you will start to feel is a tingling sensation or light pain in the muscles of your hands and feet, which are followed by cramps on your leg muscles. These last symptoms take place when your body is completely saturated with glucose and your liver and kidneys cannot handle it anymore. These take place when your body starts to shut down to protect your heart and brain. If you are not treated very soon, in a matter of minutes or one or two hours, your body will shut down, your kidneys and liver will probably be damaged permanently and your life is definitely and seriously at risk.
There are other symptoms which develop through time which we generally do not see because they are gradual. Some of these are an increase in hunger, especially for sweets, which comes accompanied by weight loss even though you are eating more during your meals and sometimes in between them. Cuts and bruises take longer to heal and you infections stay longer even with medication. During this time, which can be months or years, your body is weakening and losing its ability to defend itself until it finally collapses sending you to the hospital.
There is no excuse for you not to pay attention to the symptoms mentioned above, none of them are normal and all of them are sure signs that something is wrong. A visit to a doctor and a few tests for diabetes can save you a lot of time a and hurt, it can also save your life. Diabetes is very serious when it goes untreated, this is especially true if you are overweight and live a sedentary life. Diabetes has no age, it can and will affect children and adults too, and it will usually come silently. The symptoms mentioned above are visible when your glucose level is very high, not just above normal, if you have any of these, please go to the nearest hospital and have your glucose level in blood checked. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
My name is Cesar Batres and I am a diabetic. Dealing with this disease is not hard once you know you have it and will have to deal with it for the rest of your life. I found out I was a diabetic the hard way, the information included in this article describes common symptoms and body reactions to high glucose content in blood. If you suffer or have suffered from any of these or a combination of them, please see a physician as soon as possible, your life may be in danger.

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