Details About Laser Lipo Miami Lakes Customers Should Know

By Claudine Hodges

In the past, liposuction was the only alternative for the reduction of stubborn fat, however the main drawback of this procedure was the pockets of loose, sagging skin left behind. Today there is a better choice for patients that produces optimal results, laser lipolysis. It both eliminates fat and tightens skin for a trim, shapely physique. If considering laser lipo Miami Lakes, FL clients will want to know these facts.

Lipolysis uses a different technique to remove fat cells, instead of suctioning them out as liposuction does, they are melted by the heat of varying fiber-optic laser wavelengths. When this happens, it boosts the skin's collagen production which keeps it firm so it does not sag.

Minimally invasive, a typical lipolysis session takes about an hour to complete and is done as an outpatient procedure. The treatment area is marked off by the doctor, then a local anesthetic is applied. A thin tube called a cannula is inserted by way of a small incision, inside this tube is the laser fiber that produces the heat to melt the fat cells. The liquified fat is absorbed by the body and the skin begins producing more collagen. Some swelling and bruising is normal but it does not last long.

Highly effective in and of itself, the results of lipolysis can be even further improved by combining it with liposuction. Patients can experience optimal fat removal without the unwanted effect of drooping skin after. The abdominal area which is susceptible to sagging, is an especially good candidate for this combined treatment.

This procedure can be used on most areas of the body where stubborn fat is a problem such as the buttocks, hips, upper arms, outer and inner thighs, abdomen, and jawline. The amount of fat in the area being treated is the main factor that influences how effective the treatment will be. Results will be apparent within the first six weeks post-treatment, and they may become even more obvious for as many as four months later.

Usually one treatment is all that's needed to produce great results, however sometimes one more may be necessary if the area is larger or has a higher fat content such as the belly or backside. In cases where a second procedure is required, the patient must wait at least four months before undergoing it. At the initial consultation the doctor will tell the patient how many applications it should take.

Discomfort during the procedure is usually little to none since a local anesthetic is used, but most patients will experience some tenderness and bruising afterwards. Most patients are free to go home an hour later. They will need to wear a compression garment for two days to a week though, and they can take over the counter painkillers if they feel any discomfort.

The results of lipolysis are permanent as long as the patient is careful to follow a healthy exercise and diet plan. It does not prevent the gain of additional fat cells and is not a cure for obesity. This procedure is intended for body-sculpting and provides an ideal solution to stubborn fat that does not shed with weight loss programs.

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